
Room Temperature Control 

Our latest and most efficient VRF system is now designed to maximise efficiency at part load and work to varying seasonal requirements, making Mitsubishi Electric the best choice for hotel design. With the ability to provide simultaneous heating and cooling to any guest bedroom, the system can optimise guest comfort and still deliver run cost savings and a CO2 reduction for the the hotel operator.

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Fresh Air Ventilation

To ensure the bedrooms and bathrooms feel clean and fresh, ventilation has a key part to play.  Whether you are looking to provide a centralised Air Handling system to ventilate the whole hotel or to provide individual fresh air to each room, we are able to help.  Our systems will provide the necessary ventilation whilst recovering wasted heat via our Lossnay heat exchanger cores.

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Building Control and Energy Management 

Your system is nothing without effective controls. We have developed the industry’s leading hotel control system – Melcotel. This enables huge energy savings by changing setpoints and system operation throughout the day to suit the hotel operator. The system still allows for each room occupant to adjust their individual temperature to suit their personal taste but resets each day to provide optimum energy efficiency. Energy monitoring of each site is also possible via the centralised controller.

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Hot Water

Hotels are large consumers of hot water which can be expensive to produce, contributing to high CO2 emissions. Mitsubishi Electric has developed a state of the art Ecodan heat pump range, recognised by the Government as a renewable technology. Both our air source and ground source heat pumps can provide your hotel with low cost, renewable hot water, either as a stand-alone system or sharing the load alongside a traditional gas fired heating system.

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Leak Detection 

A refrigerant leak detection system is designed to safe guard hotel guests as recommended in European Guideline BS EN378. Mitsubsihi Electric has developed a range of leak detection solutions which conform to the requirements. We provide options of semi-conductor or aspirated systems, audible and visual alarms plus full refrigerant pump down if required.  

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New Technology 

With continuing changes to legislation and regulations, such as the latest changes to F-Gas and          BS EN378, we are continually striving to provide our customers with the best innovative green solutions. We have recently introduced a new range of water based solutions which removes the need for leak detection all together. These incude the Hybrid VRF (H-VRF) and the e-series Modular Chiller range, providing further flexibility for those who wish to keep refrigerant quantities to a minimum.

Find out more about the H-VRF...     Find out more about H-VRF for hotels...

Find out more about the e-series Modular Chiller range...



Hot Water

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